We are close, we are progressive, we are impactful. Between disruption and stability, we create a trustworthy framework for communication that is relevant and forward thinking.
We believe that lasting success is rooted in the real.
Real LHLK: people with personality, expertise and convictions. Vibrant, empathetic, curious.
What we want is to be close to people, markets and media. We see communication as the key to social change.
How we are built
The partners – Dirk, Jan, Kathrin and Susanna – run the agency. They embody a wide range of abilities, experience and personalities. This diversity is part of what makes us successful.
Together with PRpetuum, experts in public campaigning and acceptance communication, we form the LHLK Group. The LHLK Group is part of the international agency platform Paritee.
Where we work
We are based in Munich and Berlin. We are also represented by PRpetuum in Frankfurt am Main. Added to this are our broad network and our contacts, especially our international colleagues at the agencies of the Paritee platform – Brands2Life in the UK, as well as Geelmuyden Kiese and DVA in Scandinavia.
Where we come from
Founded in April 2004 by Dirk Loesch, Thomas Hund and Jan Liepold. Thomas Hund passed away in November 2009 following a long period of illness. His fine sense of communicative nuance continues to shape the agency to this day. Since November 2024, LHLK has been part of the international agency network Paritee, which brings together leading agencies from key markets. This partnership enables mutually beneficial collaboration and ensures first-class services and consulting for clients.
What does Alex Fuchs love about his work? Clearly, the variety! Every day brings new topics and challenges that he tackles with dedication. When Alex isn’t developing innovative communication strategies, he’s off to the mountains or the world of music. Whether it’s buying vinyl, listening to them or going to concerts – this is where he finds balance and new inspiration.
Alexander Sagner knows how to transfer storylines, messages and images from one medium to another. For his bachelor’s thesis, he looked at how the medium of video games can be successfully transferred to the medium of film. At our company, he is primarily concerned with how he can get our clients’ message across to the target group. We’ll see whether this results in one or two strategies with gamification elements.
Amelie Hagleitner has always had a passion for all things creative. Since her childhood, she’s been writing, dancing, drawing and making music. Maybe that’s why she loves telling captivating and creative stories on the job that succeed in giving brands a winning profile. Her secret weapon? Empathy and openness, mixed with a dash of humour.
Anna Gondermann likes to delve deeply into the topics and structures of companies and organizations, and then knit together accurate texts in the appropriate format as an editor. It’s no wonder that she herself likes to tell friends over a beer in the park why data protection and open source simply belong together.
As a child, Anna-Lena Mlackar wanted to spend her life leaving people in stitches. What she didn’t realise, though, was that doctors also had to stomach copious amounts of blood. Working in account management at LHLK is much more her cup of tea. Now she dedicates herself to surgically perfecting clients’ communication and providing long-term care to media strategies.
On the job, office manager Anna-Marie Grabrucker keeps the waters calm. Behind the scenes, she ensures smooth sailing for everyone who works at LHLK, through structure, organisation and flexibility. Off the job, though, she can’t get enough of choppy waters. After all, they’re what give waves their sound, keep the shores sandy and make ocean views so unforgettable.
A real outdoor creature, Anne Albrecht loves to stay on the move. Remaining agile also plays an important role on the job for our Director of Corporate Communications. For her, a proactive approach to change, along with flexibility and the willingness to keep learning, is the key to advising organisations and managing communication – in short: to shaping the way we interact tomorrow. Despite having already travelled the world in a van she converted herself, her desire to see more and keep growing is as voracious as her appetite for just about any snack that’s peanut-flavoured.
They say Bertille Ameloot fell into the magic potion when she was a little girl. Her power? A cure for people’s ever-shrinking attention spans – through graphic design for moving pictures, animation and videos that draws people in until the final frame. When she’s not working at her computer, she enjoys snuggling up with her cat on the couch (if he lets her), talking about French table manners or painting other people’s walls. That too is a magic power that her colleagues just adore.
For Bianca Macht, Employer Branding, it’s all about people and their potential to grow. Lifelong learning, exploring, tapping into personal potential and New Work are at the heart of what she does on the job – and off. Outside the office, she coaches a girls’ football team and serves on the board of HIGH FIVE e.V., a nonprofit organisation that helps young people grow through sport.
As a child, Celine Albers wanted to be a florist. Today, she combines different elements of communication into a pretty (and successful) bouquet. To balance this, Celine likes to bury her nose in books – be they novels, crime novels, science fiction or textbooks on strategic communication. She is convinced that film adaptations hardly ever live up to the books they are based on.
Christine Himmelberg, Director of Digital & Social Media, has already done a lot in terms of topics: from sports shoes to tech B2B topics, she knows how to get the right message to the right people. If you’re also looking for a tip for the best ice cream parlour in Munich, Christine will also give you a little talk about historically significant places in the city. Christine is also passionate about politics and is a committed dialogue partner in this area too.
If Christoph Eipert could choose one superpower, it would be flight. But until that superpower kicks in, he’s biding his time as an account manager and helping us come up with innovative communication concepts for topics big and small. His greatest enthusiasm is dedicated to measures and strategies for dealing with the new availability of information. And his eyes are focused on the media savviness that people need to navigate this new world.
Claudia Prokop gives ideas free rein – before reining them in. As a graphic designer, her job is to make sure thoughts are understandable and appealing at first glance. Her love of exploring foreign worlds in her spare time helps her, as does her training as a toolmaker. That gives her a sense of what practicality truly means.
David Groher delights PR and social media clients by channelling the daily flood of information, filtering the important from the unimportant and drawing the line between real information and fake news. His gift for getting to the bottom of new topics in no time flat is a major help, and his love of gadgetry usually ensures a steep learning curve in all things technical.
As our Berlin office manager, Denise Gransow makes sure our clients and staff feel right at home. Even while she’s mastering everyday and not-so-everyday organisational and technical challenges, she still takes a moment to listen to anyone who needs to talk. Those lucky enough may be able to score a few homemade snacks too.
According to his son, Dirk Loesch himself doesn’t know what he does all day as managing director of LHLK, apart from talking. Makes sense. Talking is usually something you do with other people, and other people is what Dirk is truly passionate about. That’s why he’s so good at his job. As he sees it, communication is about interaction, fostering togetherness, working towards a common goal and people. When he’s not guiding an agency group and helping it grow, this serial entrepreneur is off founding a deep tech start-up, launching a mobility association, bringing a donation-funded music festival to life or dedicating his time and money to youth football, homeless people and gorillas.
Elena Spyropoulou-Schäfer likes to tell stories – namely those of brands. She prefers to do this on various digital channels and also thinks about the power of Deinfluencing. After work, Elena relaxes with a good episode of a True Crime podcast and enjoys as many hours of sunshine as possible.
Emily Wilson’s heart beats for that kind of PR that not only manages to get companies and topics into the news, but also makes visible their value for society. To achieve this, Emily not only draws on her expertise in business psychology, but also on her experience in marketing, editing and customer support. After work, Emily can be found in mountain huts without Wi-Fi, the sauna or with pistachio croissants by the Isar.
As a copywriter, editor and account manager, Eva likes to get to the heart of the matter. To do so, she chisels, hones and moulds her words until the best lines and strongest stories emerge. Off the job, she occasionally pours her passion into poetry – family life permitting.
An experienced corporate communications account manager, Eva-Maria Gose-Fehlisch says: when the going gets tough, the fun gets flowing. The innate promise of PR – a constant flux where nothing ever stays the same – is what motivates her. When Eva-Maria isn’t juggling projects, she enjoys motorsport, the everyday madness of family life and evening walks along the Isar with her dog, Aramiz.
Fari Jahromi started her career as a supply chain manager. The job taught her a lot – including that she needed to explore a different professional path. Now her journey has brought her to us, to the world of communication. Her goals? To challenge the communication game, create awareness and motivate companies to take a stance. When she’s not thinking about how to score her next dose of ramen, she can tell you all about veganism or Formula 1 driver Sir Lewis Hamilton at the drop of a hat.
Flora Ritzenhoff is passionate about a wide range of topics in culture and sports, from art to surfing, film and boxing. It is this versatility that she likes so much about the world of communication. If Flora had a superpower, she would like to be able to read minds. Until then, Flora relies on a mix of experience, knowledge and her keen sense for versatile, customized communication concepts.
In his work as a copywriter and editor, Frank Bruder always keeps the Greta effect in mind: resonance means more than just reach. It’s also measured in how you touch people. What touches him are well-told stories with a healthy portion of humour.
Franziska Hiendlmayr always has the right strategy up her sleeve – whether it’s social SEO, brand awareness or viral content, or just the perfect route for an after-work jog. The senior digital and social media expert loves variety. Maybe that’s why she feels at home in the digital world? On those rare occasions when things go pear-shaped, she can be known to resort to strong language. In Bavarian. That way, not everybody knows right away what she’s talking about.
Izabela Toczyska can always spare a moment to listen to her colleagues. As an HR manager, her job is to look for new employees, no matter their background, and support them from the moment they apply for a job. Whether she’s drawing up contracts, issuing papers or shaping processes, this Zumba fan always has the right moves for every step. The only time she falls out of step is when someone offers her white chocolate. In that case, resistance, for her, is futile.
Jan Manz, Executive Managing Partner, is a strategist with a sense for empathy and an alchemist with an eye for the creative. Jan reduces and breaks down multifaceted complexity, resulting in powerful lines from which bold concepts emerge to cross media boundaries. The effect? Acceptance, desire, new perspectives, the building and showcasing of brands. Inspired by the sound phenomenology of symphonic brass and wind music, Jan likes it loud. But he also loves conducting his orchestra back into calmer and quieter passages. Just as long as it’s good and offers something for the mind – and treats both the musicians and the audience with respect.
Jana Panzer gets along with everyone. She loves photography, travelling, documentaries, concerts, feminism, London and Cher. Yes, Cher. Given all the things she’s into, it’s no wonder nothing ever came of her childhood plans to become the heir to a hotel empire, a football player or a professional surfer, especially since she still can’t surf that well. Good storytelling and authentic communication – now that is something she can do. She sometimes puts those talents to use entertaining an audience of friends and acquaintances over a good drink.
Jennifer Kulik translates the abstract into bite-sized, easy-reading stories for the real world and a multimedia, multilingual, multichannel audience. Given her familiarity with so many things, it’s no wonder she also sees the hidden link between Italian Renaissance poetry and modern-day pop music.
Jessica Doudieh is motivated by a drive for success that all can share in, preferably with a mix of ambition and team spirit. That goes for society, too, which she wants to advance through education and information. Her dedication to society is not entirely altruistic, though. She likes spending her time in good company and accompanying the good. At the end of the working day, she enjoys heading off for a game of spikeball, a dance class or just some good food and drinks.
During her studies, Joely Rosa Krabel explored the question of how culture and communication function on a social, political and professional level – and could also give a spontaneous lecture on precisely this topic. As an example, she would probably use a wide variety of memes from TikTok & Co. as well as fan postings relating to pop culture phenomena, whose communicative strategies Joely is particularly interested in. When she’s not in front of a screen, she’s out with friends, listening to her favourite music or enjoying a dish that contains either mango or peanut sauce. Preferably both.
Johanna Kalbfleisch is passionate about brands and making them tangible through strategic communication. To do this, she also uses the possibilities offered by AI applications. So far, the Cologne Carnival, which Johanna is very enthusiastic about, has managed without artificial intelligence. If you are looking for a suitable playlist, Johanna is the right person to ask. And when we are not in the middle of carnival season, she likes to swing the cooking spoon, sweat during sports or sit in a café.
As Director for Brand Communication at LHLK, Johannes Terracciano knows exactly which notes he has to hit in order to raise a brand’s profile and keep it up. Contrary to what his name suggests, he doesn’t speak a word of Italian. But he does speak fluent mobility, helping him navigate the discourse surrounding how we’ll get where we’re going in the future. As he sees it, substantial market-brand penetration is the be-all and end-all of successful communication. Chances are, he owes his ability to juggle a host of different challenges at the same time – while liking it nonetheless – to his love of sport. For a respite from the storm, he need look no further than his family, the mountains or a delectable dish of pasta. When it comes to food, Johannes is a Terracciano through and through.
Judith Wendl believes that climate change, mental health and sourdough recipes are the issues that will define our future. What unites them all, in her mind? Communication. That’s because communication is capable of changing everything. It’s why she cherishes good communication both off and on the job. Come evening, after a day’s work, she likes travelling to the Marvel Universe, enjoying the final rays of sun or a relaxing yoga session.
Julia Maiwald cares about showing the world what good communication is capable of. To do so, she likes thinking outside the box and giving her teams’ creativity wings. A grounded focus on teamwork, mutual respect and the pleasures of everyday work is what helps them soar to new heights. To unwind, she gets together with friends for a good meal, goes shopping or immerses herself in a fantasy book.
Julia Martin has a lot to tell: In her private life, she likes to talk about various concerts, festivals, cooking evenings or the latest books she has read, which she then adds to her small library. Julia has also worked in a wide variety of professional contexts – from real estate and cosmetics to health communication. With this versatility, the communication scientist enriches and inspires our customers every day anew.
For Julian Grabler, no idea is too wild. That’s why he once worked for an undertaker. Now he works for us. His main job is to stimulate public debate rather than bury it by making sure that ideas and input find their way to the right people.
As a professional pixel pusher, Katharina Quitter knows how to make the abstract visible and tangible. In fact, she does it so well that we let her head up our Design Unit. To achieve graphic perfection, the senior designer is not afraid to make use of acoustic tools as well. That’s why you’ll sometimes hear techno coming out of her noise-cancelling headphones.
If you ask Kathrin Feigl, she’ll tell you that her job as managing director is the best one in the world. That’s because it allows her to stay in motion and explore uncharted territory. Her strategies are effective and intuitive. Her recommendations always hit the mark. Her results are built to last. Through it all: enthusiasm. Joy. A sense of fun. How does she still have the energy to hit the tennis court for a quick match or check out new places when she’s on the road? It must be her natural spark.
An experienced equestrian, Kristin Pohl has a lot of practise remaining firmly in the saddle, no matter the pace. That gives her just the skills she needs to navigate the hurdles in the daily social media race as part of the Digital Team. Her constant companion? A yen for all things visual and a sunny disposition.
Ask Lena Bruckmaier what she likes about working as a designer, and she’ll tell you it’s the constant change and complete lack of boredom as a result. Her enjoyment of developing and creating things, and the process that comes along with it, is also reflected off the job in her love of sophisticated recipes such as sourdough and kimchi. True to the professional battling cry “Everything is designed”, Lena is particularly keen on one object that helps her master the manifold challenges of working at an agency every day: her noise-cancelling headphones. When she’s not busy getting to the bottom of the complexities behind UX and UI, she does indeed appreciate company and is always up for a bit of light-hearted banter with friends and colleagues.
Lena-Mara Pfaffl is inspired by well-told stories, be it in reality TV, good books or on digital platforms. But even more than reading such stories, Mara likes to write them herself. When she’s not working on individual ideas for our customers’ digital channels, she can often be found outdoors with her dog.
Maren Fries loves all things that beautify life. For her, good food, a sense of style and talking to colleagues with a positive outlook on life are all a thing of beauty. That’s why this former visual merchandiser enjoys drawing on her creativity, sense of responsibility and keen eye for the big picture to keep the LHLK office organised. Once the working day is done, her favourite place is at home at her kitchen table – enjoying her husband’s excellent cooking.
Every good recipe needs the right balance of ingredients – Maria Pérez already knew this when she decided to become a pastry chef as a child.However, the right balance is also important when it comes to bookkeeping and Maria has a particularly good feel for this.That’s why we’re glad that she only picks up her apron in her free time and actively supports us in accounting every day.
Marta Borowski has a well-informed opinion on many topics. For example, she can tell you why Britney isn’t actually #free, why pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza or why doomscrolling TikTok is indeed a darn good use of your time. Luckily, she also puts her impressive powers of argumentation and communication to good use for our clients – especially when it comes to such universally important topics as sustainability.
Marvin Koch hails from Switzerland and therefore not only regularly teaches us new words during our lunch breaks, he has also familiarized us with the job description of a mediamatician – which was his first apprenticeship. Fortunately, Marvin’s path from Switzerland has led him to Berlin and to us, where he now actively supports us with expertise and fresh ideas.
Mireille Huditz knows that good digital communication is much more than just putting together a few lovely posts and stalking influencers on Instagram. This senior digital and social media expert is a master of strategy when it comes to concepts, campaigns and making them work. It’s front and centre in her mind. Much like the birthdays of early 2000s pop group members.
Given the flood of media and messages, Noah Norenberg believes the greatest challenge in communication is reaching people in the first place. That’s why this digital and social media expert relies on quality rather than quantity. Consciousness and economy are the trends in media consumption. When he’s not coaching young ju-jitsu talents, Noah loves hitting the mountains or a local lake, or trying his hand at a new sporting challenge. If you’re looking to win him over, try a cheapskate joke. Just be sure you’re able to keep up.
Petra Kraus is famed for her accuracy, both on the golf course and on the job. And because reliability and a knack for organisation are also among the Head of Accounting’s talents, there’s always enough money in the bank to make sure everyone is paid. Colleagues looking for a way to thank her can make sure the office coffee cups are always kept warm. That’s how she likes her espresso.
As Financial Director at LHLK, Remo Feihl ensures that everything runs smoothly. But he doesn’t just see life in black and red: away from the business balance sheets, he likes to philosophize about life, make music with his band or take a trip to the mountains.
Sabine Sonner spent many years as a communication consultant before becoming LHLK’s People & Work Director. She is a firm believer that good communication is essential to good collaboration and a successful HR strategy. Sabine’s keenly intuitive sense of people, their needs and the right pacing help guarantee an environment at LHLK that nurtures the best talent. The importance of proper pacing is something this long-standing vegetarian knows all about. After work, Sabine loves nothing more than hopping on her road bike for a quick pedal. Why does she feel the need for speed? Because the laughter of her children is waiting for her at home.
Sandra Hinterberger likes to look at things from the top down. And thanks to her ability to walk on stilts, she can do so both figuratively and literally. Her love of getting a bird’s-eye view helps her on the job too. For our clients, this communication expert creates stories and made-to-measure content that win audiences over. What allows her to reach new heights while keeping her wits about her? Coffee.
As LHLK’s Digital & Social Director, Sarah Sulewski knows that simply sticking to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to will get you nowhere. That’s why she’s constantly looking to new shores and setting sail with fresh wind and creative strategies built on authenticity. A pond’s no place anyway for a dragon boat, one of her favourite hobbies.
If Sebastian Kratzer hadn’t gone into communication, he’d either be digging for fossils with a shovel and brush or working in IT. Fortunately for us, Sebastian decided to put his ideas to good use in the world of communication. Now he’s working to place issues like new forms of energy and the mobility of the future at the centre of public discourse. Off the job, he lives out his passion for palaeontology and computer repair – when he’s not out on the balcony taking in his natural surroundings, that is.
Sophie Englisch comes to us straight from the red carpet. In her previous job, she developed stories, reels and other content relating to the film industry. She’ll be doing the same with content for us and giving our customers’ accounts an extra dose of glamor in the future. Incidentally, her personal social media feed is all about dogs, as Sophie is already preparing to become a dog owner soon.
Stefan Funcke loves a captivating story. So deep is his love that he once even founded and managed his own publishing house. Today, he taps into that same passion to help LHLK’s clients advance with powerful storylines and branding concepts, all while drawing attention to key issues such as sustainability. That is unless he’s off writing at one of his favourite cafes.
Senior account manager Stefanie Friedrich uses her level-headedness, eye for strategy and innate curiosity to open new doors every day. She’s always amazed at what she finds: exciting topics, fascinating people and mind-blowing ideas. Effortlessly navigating a host of different industries is no challenge for her.
Susanna Lang is Executive Managing Partner and a digital and social media expert. She knows what goes into successful digital strategies. The secret is embracing the new and ignoring mere hype, knowing target audiences and markets well enough to unlock hidden potential, and staying focused on users and their needs. Her ability to rattle off the culinary hotspots of cities near and far without so much as looking at her phone or any other source of assistance proves that her sense for the finer things isn’t limited to the digital world.
Successful communication also takes people who aren’t afraid to swim against the tide. One of those people is Tamara Kratzer. This holder of a degree in cultural studies prefers the surreal world of Twin Peaks to the blinding heat of a summer day. Tamara brings her unique perspective to bear as a junior account manager, enriching brand communication strategies with a different twist.
Thuy Linh Duong likes to think strategically – both when implementing various digital communication formats and when playing her favorite card game, Wizard. In addition, the business psychology graduate is passionate about German Italian Schlager, crossword puzzles and buttered pretzels.
“Mise en place is half the battle,” says Verena Kranz, revealing not only her biographical connection to the hotel and catering industry, but also her deep understanding of customer service. Well-organized and open-hearted, the Rheinhessin manages to inspire her teams and customers with target group-oriented and meaningful communication. While she can rely on her orientation at work, Verena prefers to rely on Google Maps after work to arrive at her destination – which can be a place in the sun and/or the Mainz 05 fan stand.